On Nutrition — Top 7 Episodes From The CHAARG Podcast

Below, our top 7 episodes [currently!] on nutrition from The CHAARG Podcast — get ready to be inspired in so many ways.

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#110] Julie Ohlemacher: Health At Every Size, Set Point Weight Theory, + Anti-Diet 

Why I Love It — Julie’s [@julie.ohlemacher] nutrition beliefs: intuitive eating, anti-diet, + the Set Point Theory, don’t just make you feel good… they are backed by research! This podcast made me reevaluate *for the better* the women I follow, look up to, + talk about. #OSUCHAARG girls — we totally understand the Julie hype!

Mic-Drop Moment — “Follow all shapes + sizes [on Instagram] — that’s huge. Think about what bodies you looked at growing up… no wonder we thought our bodies were wrong.”

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#80] Jenny Westerkamp: Sports Nutrition, Dietetics, + Fat Burners

Why I Love It — Although Jenny [@jennywesterkamp] works with elite pro athletes, her advice is simple + relevant for CHAARG girls. Listen to this podcast for nutrition advice for both everyday life + workout performance! 

Mic-Drop Moment — [What being #inCHAARG means] “Confidence + being obsessed with yourself in a really healthy way… that love you search for in someone else, you should be searching for that in you as well.”

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#23] Rachel Helfferich: A Day In The Life Of A Heath Coach ++ Simplifying *Food Rules* 

Why I Love It — Simple is ALWAYS better in my opinion. I loved listening to Rachel’s [@rachelfferich] nutrition philosophies + incredible wellness advice. Her Instagram graphics + little pieces of advice always come at the right time — get more of her wisdom there! 

Mic-Drop Moment — “The message with nutrition that I would love to help people learn is that it just all boils down to loving + accepting your own body!”

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#62] Alexis + Simi: Intuitive Eating, Food Triggers, + Birth Control 

Why I Love It — There is *so* much power in two great minds coming together. Alexis [@hummuspien] + Simi [@simibotic] will leave you feeling educated, encouraged, + empowered.

Mic-Drop Moment — “I just want my brand [Hummusapien] to be uplifting + to not make anyone feel like they’re doing anything wrong. No one can dictate what someone else’s *right* or *wrong* is because it’s so different for everyone.” — Alexis

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#9] Lydia Nader: Running + Nutrition Tips From A Registered Dietician

Why I Love It — If you are a part of #CHAARGRunClub — look no further! Lydia [@fuelwithnader] is the CHAARG running expert + will be joining us for the #CHAARGRunClub! I encourage you to listen to this podcast during your first few weeks of training! : ) [PSA — if you didn’t sign up for CHAARG Run Club, but want in… email [email protected]!]

Mic-Drop Moment — “Be open to what your body is telling you what you can + cannot do.”

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#42] Alex Mazzurco: Diets, Macros, + Gut Health 

Why I Love It — If you follow Alex [@almazzurco] on Instagram you know she is so honest + raw — a refreshing take on health + fitness. I love that she teaches her followers to listen to their bodies [+ find the root of any problems/discomfort] + shares how her health + fitness adapts to the highs + lows of life. She is full of knowledge, experience [coaching + competing], + empowerment. 

Mic-Drop Moment — “Take ownership of the suck, so that you are in control. If you don’t like the way your body looks, you can make the decision to change it… you need to pull yourself out of the suck, + you need to take ownership of that! Be in charge of your health because it’s no one else’s responsibility.”

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#56] Chef Sarah: Meal Prep Tips, Celery Juice, + Sugar Detox 

Why I Love It — Chef Sarah [@chefsarahrusso] creates beautiful + delicious food — with holistic nutrition in mind! Listen to this podcast to learn about meal prepping, veganism, sugar, + SO much more. 

Mic-Drop Moment — “Stop looking for places [+ things] to point blame on. Face your challenges + the things you need to work on head on.”

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New episodes every Tuesday! Listen on Spotify + iTunes! #TheCHAARGPodcast

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