More Than An Instagram Manager: What I Learned From My CHAARG Social Media Internship

Internships are such an important part of your college experience. Preparing for a career in the real world is no joke, + at the end of the day… so stressful! The number of times we listen to advisors + professors harp on how badly we need to get “real world experience” + to start to apply to many different internships — it’s scary! 

I didn’t even know where to begin when I first started hearing these things. Where did I want to intern? Could I do it while I was taking a full schedule of classes? Will it be possible during a global pandemic? How much time would it really take up? Did I even really want to be a journalism + public relations major? AHH! 

Being a CHAARG intern not only answered all of these questions for me, but it guided me in the direction in which I want to pursue my career + gave me a wealth of knowledge that I absolutely could not have gained in the classroom. 

When I applied to be a CHAARG intern, I thought I was applying for a small role. I knew I loved Instagram, so it would be cool right? I thought I was going to just be posting every so often, + listening in on some meetings. Little did I know, this opportunity was SO much bigger than what I thought. 

It was no joke. I truly did spend 10-15 hours/week working on different tasks + projects for CHAARG, while juggling a full course load, job, sorority, dance company practice, + a second internship. I will not say it was easy, but it was WORTH IT.

While being a CHAARG intern I have had the opportunity to:

  • Interact directly with a community of 45k+ people
  • Write for a published blog
  • Partake in marketing discussions
  • Assist in planning for major company launches like CHAARG Self-Love Club 
  • Learn how to analyze social media engagement + performance  
  • Gain access to graphic design technology that is used in the professional world [for FREE, I might add]
  • Pitch my ideas + create social media content
  • Listen to + communicate regularly with Elisabeth Tavierne, our Founder 
  • Create connections with Team CHAARG
  • Establish relationships with CHAARG girls on our social media team from across the country 
  • Watch + learn as CHAARG evolves not only on social media, but as a brand in an ever evolving world 

Many might even say that for a career in public relations + social media, these things are more important than what you learn in class. 

… + where did I do all of this from? My iPhone + laptop. INSANE! 

What was even better about this internship experience, + what I feel makes CHAARG a unique brand to intern for, is that my voice was valued. Despite being an intern, my thoughts, ideas, + input were considered as if I was any other higher up member of Team CHAARG. Unlike other companies, Elisabeth + Team CHAARG treated me as an equal. I was an important part of so many conversations + my ideas were always welcomed. It is not every day that you work with a company + founder who says “Okay, go for it!” when you present an idea for content on their national Instagram with 45k followers. 

We all know the CHAARG community is a special place, but being a CHAARG intern is THAT much more fulfilling. Elisabeth is so bright + passionate, ++ her energy radiates throughout the entire team. Yes, she was my boss, but she was kind, approachable + always wanted to give me as much valuable experience + opportunity as she could. 

The knowledge that I have gained in social media, marketing, + so much more from this internship is knowledge that many are unable to get until after they have graduated college, ++ I am SO incredibly grateful to have been given this opportunity. I truly thank Elisabeth + Brittani for putting their faith in me, + giving me, the college sophomore who just knew she loves Instagram, this chance to shine. 

This is your sign, if you want to be a CHAARG intern, GO FOR IT! : )

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