We have loved being able to offer the CHAARG Leadership Retreat with representatives from every single one of our Chapters for the past 6 years [!]. For years, this retreat was an in-person experience, but as CHAARG has grown, we’ve had to shift how we coordinate these experiences + the expectations around them.
2 years ago, we had to take the typical *in-person* retreat + make it virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to triple our retreat in size + make it accessible for ALL exec team leaders [no more size limitations!]. After that retreat, we realized that this experience is just as special, unique, + amazing virtually as it was in person… + we are so happy that we’re able to offer it to all of our exec leaders — for free.
We can’t wait to see you on July 17 for the #CHAARGLeadershipRetreat2022!
*Please read terms + conditions before registering!