How To Balance CHAARG With Other Commitments
CHAARG is an amazing organization to be a part of not only as a member, but as an exec team leader! Having a leadership role in CHAARG helps women in college develop + strengthen both hard + soft leadership skills that are beneficial to future jobs + careers, regardless of the field they are going into!
We know that as a CHAARG exec team leader, you have other commitments you are balancing alongside CHAARG. Being an exec team leader is a big time commitment, but it’s possible to still do #allthethings!
We asked some of our exec team leaders what advice they have for balancing CHAARG with their other commitments — here is what they said!
“I make sure to do a daily check in with myself. Have I met my needs today, as well as the needs of the orgs I’m a part of? If the answer is not yet, I pause + take time to breathe, move, journal, call a loved one, or just chill + watch TV. It’s important to remember you come first. Once you take care of yourself, it’s much easier to balance different commitments!” – Elle Whitehead, @umass_inchaarg
“Be ahead! Get those assignments done asap + your CHAARG duties as well! With being so busy, it’s very stressful when there are numerous things due on day + that due date just happens to be tomorrow. Getting things done 2-3 days before they are due is my biggest advice!” – Abby Jackman, @abbyrenee_inchaarg
“Google Calendar is your best friend. Go through all the CHAARG events in your planning doc, add them to your calendar, + see if it conflicts with any school/work responsibilities or use it as a reference to work around school/work stuff!” – Delaney Schofell, @laneyyfit
“My biggest advice to applicants is first — do not be afraid of taking that jump! CHAARG has been one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever had in my life. Although at times it may feel overwhelming, the end result is totally worth it. What keeps me in check for balancing all commitments alongside CHAARG is having a to-do list + a calendar. I love to-do lists because they’re easy to make ++ it’s almost like a brain-dump for those days you’re feeling overwhelmed. Making to-do lists helps you knock out the most important things each day so you can feel on top of all your commitments. Additionally, having a calendar highlighting all your commitments is a great way to help you manage your time. I swear by both of these things + I truly believe these are what have gotten me through stressful times!” – Brooke Boyland, @boyland_inchaarg
“Being on a CHAARG exec team is definitely a commitment, but it the best type of commitment. We all have busy lives + different things going on, but for me being a part of CHAARG exec makes me feel like I am involved but at the same time helping myself. It makes me feel like this commitment I made can help other people as well as myself in so many different amazing ways!” – Avery Mavon, @avery_buchaarg
“There is no uncertainty behind whether one will find balancing CHAARG + all other commitments challenging or not. We are all diligent, fatigued, + determined college students who have our plates completely full every single day. However, your feelings + attitudes regarding CHAARG primarily depend upon both how you choose to view the workload + commitments your position entails, + how often you relate your duties to the message CHAARG strives to promote. I quickly realized how thrilling + fulfilling it is to experience the love members have for an organization based on encouraging them to be the best versions of themselves. Before I knew it, I was using CHAARG to distract + calm myself from stress ++ anxiety stemming from other commitments + involvements. CHAARG is truly what you make of it, + if you absolutely love it like we do at CHAARG at VT, it will never feel like a burden or chore!” – Lizzy Geddes, @lizzy__inchaarg
“My first piece of advice is that if you are even thinking about apply for an exec position, you should! being on exec is like having a part-time job on the side of being a full-time student. It can seem very daunting, but I have always been able to stay on top of school work, have internships outside of CHAARG, + also have a part-time job in addition to being on the UNH exec team. It is all about being organized + always being sure to fill your cup so you are not running on empty. You can only give the best version of yourself to others if you are your best self.” – Morgan Hammond, @morgan._.inchaarg
“Make a schedule! Use Google Calendar or a planner to help organize your events/plans, having them all displayed may seem overwhelming at first but visualizing your week can help learn where you need to prioritize your time.” – Emma Johnson, @emjma_inchaarg
“While the hours + demand of exec positions seemed daunting… in reality it has a wonderful balance, experience, + way to learn more about yourself + your leadership! I know that the time commitment was one of the things I was worried about. As a biology major who is heavily involved on campus, time seemed to be my number one enemy. My fellow exec ladies + CHAARG itself provide wonderful ways to manage time + feel more confident in your position! From non-CHAARG rest days, to making a schedule (+ sticking to it), I was able to work around my bust schedule + have fun doing it! Your Ambassador + fellow exec members will be there for you, + we always found a compromise or a way to work with everybody! So if time is the biggest thing holding you back, don’t let it! I have had an amazing exec experience, + my stress about time management slowly faded away.” – Paige Saluri, @paigesaluri_inchaarg
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Want to get involved in a leadership position within CHAARG? Contact your Ambassador + see when exec applications are open!