One thing I’ve learned through being open about my mental health journey is that it really helps feeling like you can relate to others. When you connect with a story, it can help you to feel [...]
Attending your first therapy appointment can be intimidating + scary, and there are a lot of misconceptions about what happens in a first therapy appointment. These nerves are completely [...]
Meditation + Mindfulness seems to be the trend lately. I’ll admit, I was a huge skeptic at first — when someone would tell me, “you should meditate on that,” I would roll my eyes like, [...]
Something I’ve been asked a lot about are ways to naturally alleviate depression. If you or someone you know are struggling with depression, it can be really scary to think about taking [...]
I remember when I first started struggling with depression, I believed that it was all *in my head.* I thought that the chemicals that were out of whack for me were in my brain + that my [...]
I was overwhelmed with love + positive vibes from my last post — thank you. Sharing a mental health journey isn’t easy, but I’m so grateful to be supported by the CHAARG community. After [...]
I thought a little anxiety + stress in life was a good thing. To me, it meant I was working hard, succeeding, earning the perfect grades, being the best leader, + securing a worthy future for [...]
I’m sure we’ve all heard the phrase — “Hope for the best, expect the worst.” I grew up with this phrase. I was a pretty cautious kid — constantly rehearsing in my head the worst that [...]