14 Quotes That Will Give You All The *Positive Vibes*

One of our all-time favorite quotes is *every positive thought propels you in the right direction* [are you surprised? ; )]. We truly believe that positivity will [not just *can*] change your life. It has the ability to shift your perspective on yourself + help you see your own unique capabilities. Not to mention — being positive just makes you look at the world through a  happier lens.

Here at CHAARG, we constantly talk about radiating positive vibes — but truth be told, we know that it’s not always easy to live out that mantra… whether you spilled coffee on yourself, you failed a test, your jacket got stolen, someone said something rude to you, your car got hit, your dog passed away, or you just simply woke up on the not-so-bright side… challenges happen. Feel it, grieve it, + then take a deep breath + remind yourself of all the blessings around you [at the very least — think of your CHAARG girls who are here for you through the thick + thin].

++ for those days when you need a positivity boost, here are 14 of our go-to *positive vibes* quotes:

#1] Start each day with a grateful heart.

#2] I believe in the person I want to become.

#3] Self-worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about you, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.

#5] One small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day

#6] Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter.

#7] I aspire to be a giver. A giver of love, a giver of good vibes, + a giver of strength.

#8] Your mind is a powerful thing. When you fill it with positive thoughts, your life will start to change

#9] A lifestyle change begins with a vision + a single step.

#10] A bad attitude can literally block love, blessings, + destiny from finding you. Don’t be the reason you don’t succeed.

#11] Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can.

#12] Close your eyes + imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are, let go of any part of you that doesn’t believe it.

#13] Nothing can dim the light that shines from within. // Maya Angelou

#14] What you think, you become. What you feel, you attract. What you imagine, you create. // Buddha

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